nighthawks are doing their evening dance, flitting higher and higher,
butterfly-like, then rolling into their booming, wind-jamming and wing-jarring
dive. One just scared the bejeebers out of me with his sonic boom not fifty
feet away.
they call, “Pete!” as if they all have the same nickname…
night I listened to them late into the night, long after I had crawled into my
sleeping bag. And every time I stirred awake overnight I could hear them, far
away or close by, even until dawn.
not forget the first time I ever heard the boom, years ago while on another
solo campout. I had squirreled a day aside to spend on retreat, early summer as
now. Up over the hill to the south came this strange sound. From a distance it
almost sounded like the propane flame intermittently fired under a hot air
balloon, ending with something of a small pop. I actually climbed the hill to look
to the sky. Nothing. So then, was it an animal roar of some kind? It was hard
to pinpoint the sound’s direction. A surprise it was to realize it was a small bird
doing aeronautics. It didn’t seem to be going after prey, so I guessed it was
some kind territorial or mating display. Yet maybe it was just doing it for the
sheer joy of it, just because it could. I suppose if I could do that, I would.
that I think of it, the sound, if it could be lengthened beyond its half-second
duration, is also like the sound of a semi going the opposite direction from
across the median of an interstate highway. Strange that I have to compare it
to two such contrary notions, a hot air balloon and a truck, but I can think of
no natural comparison.
Perhaps it
was doing it just for the
sheer joy
of it, just because it could.
I suppose
if I could do that, I would…

it is both a current delight and a pleasant memory.
I will speak of the
glorious honor of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works. (Psalm 145:5)
~~ RGM, from an early entry in my nature
journal, adapted June 28, 2017
My Dad would call them Thunderbirds.
ReplyDeleteThat is a cool thought, Brian, not only about the bird but about your Dad. Thanks for sharing it!