Our little cabin
in the big woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula has as its mailing address the
small town of Watersmeet. Thirteen miles away, Watersmeet is the nearest town
and the place where we pick up our General Delivery mail. Never mind that our place
is in a completely different township and county (crazily, even a different time
zone!), our mailing address is still Watersmeet, for which we’re grateful. Otherwise
we’d probably have to travel at least twice as far to get our mail.
What’s in a name?
Well, what might you imagine from a town named Watersmeet? The town sits within
the south central Ottawa National Forest, a million vast acres of semi-boreal
northern forest; its predominant woodland type is one called Hemlock Hardwood,
as the forest is around us, speckled with diverse broadleaf trees (mostly
maples, birch and aspens) and conifers (hemlocks, pines, spruces and firs). But
I venture to say that this area is also one of the wettest spots in the ol’ USA.
Michigan itself is enveloped of course by the Great Lakes, but beyond that, not
an insignificant portion of the Ottawa is wetland – lakes, ponds, rivers, streams,
marshes and bogs. Some might even disparagingly call part of our area swamps.
Frankly, as I tip my hand above, I prefer the term wetlands, or even the more
exotic-sounding words -- muskeg, as they say north of the border, or fenland,
as they call it across the pond.

do you know why it is that water flows at all, unlike most other compounds or
elements? Interestingly, it’s because a number of the electrons of a molecule
of water, the good old compound H2O, are in a constant state of
paying friendly visits to the molecules next door,
just as those molecules in
turn are sharing their electrons with the various molecules of water next to
them, and so on. I don’t understand quite how it does that, but it makes the
whole thing, as they say, fluid. Amazingly, even some seemingly solid elements
can flow, over time, due to gravity or other forces, just nothing as fast as
Here’s a no
brainer as I get to my point, though: it doesn’t matter where waters meet, as
long as there’s somewhere further to flow; water always flows to the low spots.
No surprise here, the nature of water is to flow to the next lowest nearby
point, if it can, always to somewhere else. That area of Michigan is only one
kind of low spot, which is what makes it so wet. But there we are in turn over eight
hundred feet above sea level, and the water that doesn’t evaporate must eventually
move along to sea level.
Allow me to
reiterate. Water flows to the lowest spot. The town of Watersmeet is only that
point in a local sense; it must flow elsewhere from there, given the chance.
...It will not flow uphill to the
haughty spirit, but only downward
to the contrite in spirit...
Did you know
God’s Word is also like that, like water? That’s not my idea but God’s. And it also
flows only, and thankfully, to our
lowest points. It will not flow uphill to the haughty spirit, but only downward
to the contrite in spirit, only to the one who is ready and open to receive it
from somewhere higher up. Unlike the water near Watersmeet, however, God’s
water never evaporates, but remains in constant flowage to where it is allowed.
That’s God’s idea, too.
“For as the rain and the snow come down
from heaven, and return not thither but water the earth, making it bring forth
and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word
be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall
accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Be encouraged.
~~ RGM, from an earlier entry in my nature journal,
Adapted for use here February 11, 2016
P. S. And yes, as the signs say, Watersmeet is also the home of the Nimrods; far from its common parlance, the Bible says Nimrod was a mighty hunter warrior...
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