in the Wind" is a regular feature on my blog consisting of an
assortment of nature writings – hymns, songs, excerpts, prayers, Bible
readings, poems or other things – pieces I may not have written but that
inspire me or give me joy. I trust they’ll do the same for you.)
I’ve written in
the past on Isaac Watts’ great Christmas carol, Joy to the World, emphasizing the text’s nature strophes. (Click here for that post.) My favorite
more let sin and sorrows grow,
thorns infest the ground:
comes to make his blessings flow
as the curse is found!
As I mentioned in
that earlier blogpost, the ‘curse’ is a reference back to Genesis 3 and the
punishments Adam and Eve received in consequence of their sin; it is said there
that the ground to be tilled by them would be cursed with thorns and weeds as
they did so. That curse is now tempered by the Incarnation, where blessings now
flow in more than commensurate degree to the struggle. Indeed, let heaven and
nature sing!
G.E. Wright, the great
Harvard Old Testament scholar and archeologist, goes so far in his little
commentary on Isaiah as to say that one of the prophet’s key themes is his
emphasis upon God as sovereign Creator, but it is simply “…the preface to the proclamation of God as sovereign Redeemer. He who
has the power to create is Lord and Savior. The creation by God is not set
forth as a matter of speculation… It is a means of proclaiming… his mighty acts
in history whereby men [sic] may see
and know his sovereignty.”
So what do heaven
and nature sing? That God’s power and sovereignty have been manifested in a
holy birth that makes possible the salvation of absolutely everything – every body,
every soul and all of creation.
And that’s
something worth singing about.
~~Blessed Christmastide,
RGM, December 25, 2015
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